Does my handwritten note qualify as a valid will?

Does my handwritten note qualify as a valid will?

Did you know that a handwritten note could constitute a valid will? As an informal document, this would not be automatically recognized, and you would need to seek court approval for it. However, the courts are willing to give effect to your testamentary intentions,...
Do you Need a Lawyer for a Will?

Do you Need a Lawyer for a Will?

Legally, you do not need a lawyer to make a Will. Online resources offer “free” or cheap Wills, and websites sell Do-It-Yourself Will kits that can be downloaded or delivered, which are typically inexpensive. However, while making a Will is possible without a lawyer,...
The importance of estate planning before capacity becomes an issue

The importance of estate planning before capacity becomes an issue

We should all plan for our future. Certainly, we should all have a current will, and many of us would also benefit from making formal arrangements to account for the possibility of being unable to make our own decisions. We are often asked by clients how to apply for...
What are Letters of Administration NSW?

What are Letters of Administration NSW?

When someone dies without a Will they are said to die ‘intestate’ and the law determines who will inherit the deceased person’s estate. Usually, an application for letters of administration in New South Wales will be made with the Supreme Court before the estate can...
What is Enduring Guardianship in NSW?

What is Enduring Guardianship in NSW?

Many people underestimate the importance of appointing an enduring guardian. What is enduring guardianship in NSW? An enduring guardian can make certain lifestyle, health and medical decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated and cannot make those decisions...