
First Home Buyer Assistance (NSW)

First Home Buyer Assistance (NSW)

Buyers in New South Wales (NSW) often struggle to purchase their first homes, hardly surprising given that the average property price in the state is now over a million dollars. To help first home buyers into the property market, the NSW Government has offered various...

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What are Letters of Administration NSW?

What are Letters of Administration NSW?

When someone dies without a Will they are said to die ‘intestate’ and the law determines who will inherit the deceased person’s estate. Usually, an application for letters of administration in New South Wales will be made with the Supreme Court before the estate can...

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What is Enduring Guardianship in NSW?

What is Enduring Guardianship in NSW?

Many people underestimate the importance of appointing an enduring guardian. What is enduring guardianship in NSW? An enduring guardian can make certain lifestyle, health and medical decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated and cannot make those decisions...

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